Saturday Bible Study: That All May be Saved
ONLINE SATURDAY BIBLE STUDY MESSAGE TEXT: Mark 16 vs 15, 1st Corinthians 10 vs 31-33, 2nd Timothy 4 vs 2 TOPIC: THAT ALL MAY BE SAVED Many souls are not yet saved and it is never the will of God that any soul should perish. He wants every soul to be saved. He loves souls. He created us for his own pleasure and for his own pleasure we were created and it is never his will, as a father that any soul should perish. John 3 :16, 2Peter 3: 9, 1st Timothy 2: 4. If you look at these places we have read, you will see the mind of God towards humanity. Because of us, Jesus died! He gave us Jesus Christ to die for us and it is never his will that any soul should perish. Our Lord Jesus Christ died for us all and there is no reason for any soul to remain unsaved and the good news about this is that we preach the word but God does the work of giving them salvation and perfection. So let us go all out to preach the gospel that all may be saved. I want to let you know t...