God's Warning Before The Trumpet


Pst Lazarus Muoka, G. O. TLCCRM. 

DATE: MAY 17, 2020

Ministering: General Overseer

Text: Exodus 3:6-10; Exodus 5:1; Exodus 6:1; Exodus 7:1-5&9-13; Romans 13:11-14

Topic: God's Warning Before The Trumpet 

Many nations and people have turned their back on the Almighty God. They have made money, satisfied their lusts and fought against the Almighty God. They are involved in abominable evil. Legalising homosexuality, abortions and several abominable practices.
They have turned the house of God to Restaurants and hotels. They have turned their back to Almighty God. Some of these nations have oppressed the servants of God and put them in prison.
God has been watching and weighing them in their earthly glory and has decided to visit the world with plagues and signs before the trumpet sounds.
I want you to understand that very shortly the trumpet shall sound. Unfortunately, many people of the world are still praising human beings and glorifying the work of their hands.
1 Corinthians 15:50&51
The trumpet shall sound very shortly and that is why this warning is coming before the trumpet.

If any man fails to realise these signs and warnings on the air and everywhere, it will be too late for such individual.
The whole world is in turmoil and every part of the world is shaking just by one sign. The borders are closed, economies are destroyed by just one sign. In just few months everything has crumbled.
Take note what you are seeing today is just the beginning. Recall that was how the Lord visited the old Egypt empire and it started with one sign.

If any man is claiming to be the instrument of this evil, that does not exonerate the person from the judgement of God. Nonetheless, it is still a sign.


God is the Creator of every soul and he created us to be like him. I want you to understand it is never the will of God for any soul to perish.
John 3:16
You must understand that because of God's great love, he sent forth his son. Nobody should despise this great love. You have no excuse because God has shown you that he is God of justice.
2 Peter 3:9

I want you to understand why it appears that the Lord is enduring the sins of men. He is giving us humanity, the opportunity to repent. Take advantage of the son of God that gave his life for you.
No one will die in sin. That is why God sent this present sign.
Whatever is happening today in the world is because of this sign.
God brought this Corona virus to show that no human being has answer to all things. Ensure you take advantage of now to escape the wrath to come.

If the whole world refuse to do something with this one sign, I want you to know that another sign will follow.
I want you to be warned that God will destroy humanity again.
Luke 17:26-30
All the people of the days of Noah perished by reason of that one flood. If you cannot survive in the time of grace, it will be difficult for you to be saved.
The Bible says, that is how it shall be when Jesus will come to take the Saints away.

When God visited Egyptians of old to deliver his people, Pharaoh claimed ignorance of God. However, he did not survive it. So you that is relying on your expertise, if you refuse to recognise God and you drop this flesh, you will suffer forever.
Exodus 7:9-12
When the game is set, even the doctors and all the people involved in scientific efforts to solve this problem will be affected unless they repent.
My prayer is that no Doctor, no Lawyer, no Scientist will perish. That they shall be saved.

The rest of the signs that followed in the days of Egypt destroyed the Nation. I want you to know that more signs will follow after this first sign if the Nations fail to repent and turn to God.
Exodus 9:7
Do something today. Run to Jesus before it is too late to save humanity.
Many things that people of the world are offering as remedy is not the solution.
The remedy is for everyone to return to God, return to Jesus.
Imagine a situation where God will release Ten plagues upon this generation. It will be terrible having seen what only One sign has done to the world.

Everyone should understand that God is very angry and is ready to judge the world.
Nahum 1:2-6
The Lord is angry and nothing can stand him. Nothing can oppose God. All these nations that are afraid of corona virus and refuse to repent, they are wasting their time.

They should remember this is only one sign. Other signs are coming.
All the nations and people should remember that their evil of pulling down churches and exalting gay marriage, homosexuality, lesbianisim, corruption and fighting against God; I want to let you know that those actions have come up as a memorial before God. God is ready to judge because the cup of iniquity of these Nations and men is full. God is going to defuse them. God is going to deflate them.
God is going to show the world how small they are.

God dealt with Nebuchadnezzar, God dealt with Pharaoh, God dealt with Herod and worms ate him alive.
Are you a man bragging and boasting while ignorant of Jesus Christ our Lord? Judgement is coming.
The evil of adultery, fornication and killing, God will judge except they repent.
God is coming with more signs. The only way is repentance.

Zephaniah 1:2; 6 & 14-18
Take note that God is bringing judgement to destroy those who have failed to repent.
Those that turn their back on God will be judged.
Those that appear as if they are God, they shall cry bitterly because God's wrath is upon them.
The Lord shall wipe them away. That day of anger and trumpet is at hand.
Every Nation should know that the only salvation is through repentance of all their wicked ways.
John 3:16
The Lord has sent Jesus to save me and to save you. If you do not accept Jesus you are like a house with no foundation and you are going to surely fall and be crushed.
Romans 5:8&18
The free gift came to us for our sins to be washed away.
Take note that Jesus Christ is the Chosen and in him, safety is guaranteed.
Jesus Christ is the Goshen of Old and the Chosen of today. Are you a Chosen? I want to let you know, safety is guaranteed because we are in the Chosen.
Matthew 11:28
Come to Chosen, give your life to Jesus Christ. Safety is guaranteed. No evil shall befall you. When the trumpet shall sound, we shall go from Chosen to Heaven.

John 10:10b
Jesus Christ has come to give us eternal life, he has come to give us every good thing about life.
Whomever or any nation that refuse to repent now will wait for more signs to come.
Genesis 19:17
Escape. Do not look back. Be on the mountain of God's presence.
If you remain in sin, you are not a child of God.
1 Peter 5:16
What matters now before the trumpet is holiness inside and outside.
I am talking about the peace of the world.
1 Corinthians 6:9; John 1:29; John 1:12; 2 Corinthians 5:17

For Sinners and Backsliders, confess your sins and accept Jesus Christ today as your Lord and personal Saviour.
Romans 3:23; 1 John 3:8&9; 1 John 5:17a; Isaiah 59:1;
Sin is dangerous. It is destructive and yet almost the whole world has gone into sin.
Unbelieve is sin. Selfishness is sin; Covetousness is sin, Insincerity is sin; backbiting, murmuring, speaking evil of others, these are terrible sin.
Going to native doctors, stealing from Government, stealing from companies and individuals, that is sin.
If you are among those people that are involved in fornication, adultery, homosexuality, lesbianism, abortion, that is terrible wickedness.
Fighting and quarreling, smoking and drunkenness all these are evil. Ask for the mercy of God.
Matthew 19:4-6: Are you into polygamous marriage or you have sent away your wife or you moved away from your husband, that is sin. Are you a woman dressing like a man or a man dressing like a woman, all that is sin.
The unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God.
If you want to escape the wrath to come, the warning before the trumpet, then make amendment and promise God that all these evil, you will do them no more. Oh Lord save every soul.



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