Sunday Message: It is time to change our focus



Text: Matthew 6: 33; Mark 8: 35-37; 1 Corinthians 15: 19

Many people in their approach to God only seek God for what they can get from him. Many are not seeking God to be saved and how to live for him. Rather they are seeking God for one mundane thing or the other. Where those things they are seeking from God appear delayed, they will abandon the Church and even begin to speak evil of the church.
If you are among those coming to Church only because you are seeking
the things of this world, know that it must surely vanish away. They will never follow us to the other side of life. The things of this life must surely fade away.
1 Corinthians 7: 31
The glory of this world will fade away. We should not allow these material things of life to becloud our objective and vision of heaven.
It is important we change our focus from materialism and the things of this world. Seek God to be saved. Seek God to make heaven at the end of this life.
Matthew 6: 33
If you will seek God first in your life and ensure that you live right, I am assuring you that whatsoever you are seeking from God, will surely be granted to you. Let us stop following God just for money. That is contrary to the will of God.
As you change your focus and become fixated with God, he will surely bless you. God will add everything to us.


Many people are in the house of God or come to Church only for the things of this life. That is the unfortunate situation. When they come to Church like that, they will not be saved because those things will stand as an Idol. When they come to church like that, those things will block their hearts from listening to the word of God. When they are seeking God for materialism, such people can betray Christ; they can betray Pastor. They can go from Church to Church just because of money. Those people are not Believers.
I do not know who and who have become a victim of seeking God only for the things of this world; for materialism, for power, for money, for marriage? If you are within that category, that is an unfortunate situation. What shall it profit you? Something must be done. It is time to change that focus.
It is because of this act of seeking God to satisfy the things of this world and the flesh that many have betrayed Christ like Demas. Many have spoken evil of the Holyghost. They have spoken evil of the Church where they saw God; where God blessed them in reality and gave them salvation and sanctification. Many have blasphemed against such place, against Christ. Like Judas, like Demas.
Are you among them? You must change your focus.
1 Corinthians 15: 19
Listen to me; any Church that gives you money to join, that is not a Church. Any man that gives you money to join a church, that is not a servant of Christ. Christ never preached such Sermon. That is a perversion of the Gospel. It is distorted gospel and from the pit of hell. You cannot serve God and Mammon. Christ told his disciples follow me. The son of man has nowhere to lay his head. Is this the same Christ that will price you with money to follow him?!! Listen to me, we are Christians after the gospel and not after the world. Not after cheap christianity of Judaism.
Can you not see the handwriting on the wall? Can you not see the imminent occurrence of the rapture? Those that have the money, how are they eating it now? Why not think about your soul and prepare before it is too late.
Where is Esau and the porridge he collected from his brother? He lost everything. Is that the same way you are going?
Romans 13: 11-14
What you need now is Christ. Amend your ways. It is not time to sell your salvation like Esau. It is not time to talk about money and follow the world like Demas. It is not time to betray your Pastor as Judas betrayed Christ and got money he could not eat. Do not follow after vanity. It will lead to your destruction. If in this life alone you have hope in Christ, you are of all men most miserable. Do something so that the devil does not mock you. Is there a road to heaven where there is no trial or tribulation? Is there anywhere the Bible taught us that the way to heaven is an express road? It is the way of the Cross that leads home.
We all should remember that we are not coming to Church for what we can get in this world and we can never allow such thing to rule our lives. Anybody coming to Church for what you can get in this life, you can never have the real love of God.
As long as you are coming to Church for the things of this world, it implies you are seeking for the gods of this world. There is no way two of them can work together. It is therefore necessary that you must define your goal.
Matthew 6: 24-27; 30 & 31
Any day money becomes your priority in the Church, you have got another Master. You will begin to murmur and complain which will erode your spiritual life and move you out of the Church.
If you look at the place we read, you cannot serve God and unrighteous Mammon. You cannot serve God and the devil.
Do not allow any plan that will make you to become selfish and loose the focus.
Are you not bigger and greater in the sight of God than all those birds? Our problem is little faith. You want to serve God and you do not believe in him.
You want to run from Lords Chosen and from one other Church to another because you are looking for things you can see.
2 Corinthians 5: 7
I want to let you know, we walk by faith and not by sight.
My brother, my Sister, my friends and fellow Pastors listen to me; all these things you are looking for, Unbelievers are looking for these things as well and God takes care of them. How much more you that is a child of God?
Seek God. If you get him, you get all things. Live the life of the kingdom. The Kingdom lifestyle is the life of pleasing God.
John 8: 29; Matthew 11: 27
If you are saying that God has not given you your hearts desire, you need to check yourself. Let us change our focus and it shall be well for you.

Many people are into this unfortunate situation. No wonder many of these people are changing from praying to begging. That is why many of them have gone into a number of things. I want to tell you again, if you're into this group, you cannot serve God with sincerity.
Such people should take heed to our Lord and Master Jesus command to seek God and all his righteousness. Seek to become a real child of God.
Serve God with knowledge of God. Do not serve God like Esau.

Whatever it will cost us to locate and connect to God, we must follow it. If you turn to the right way, you must get to your destination.
Return to God. Turn from that wrong road and begin to seek God in spirit and truth.
We must seek to be truly Born-again and holy. We should endeavour to be a member of Gods family. We should endeavour to live the life. It has much to do with commitment and consecration to God. It has something to do with purity and joy in the holy ghost. The lifestyle of the kingdom has something to do with patience and Service. Let us make sure we change our focus. I have told you from Day One that this Chirch started on the note, " Do the will of God and prosper" (Matthew 6:33). When you do the will of God, you shall be blessed in all things.
Whenever you qualify for anything and it is your right, God will give it to you. Let us seek him. Let us please him. We must not allow covetousness, pride of life, lust. These things will mar our relationship with God. If they have creeped in, let us throw them up and turn to the right path. Everyone should look inwards and let us change our focus. Let us follow God in reality.
Psalm 23: 1; Matthew 6:;33
Remember the kingdom of God and its righteousness.
Luke 15: 31
All that belongs to God belongs to every true Child of God.
1 Peter 5: 7; Philipians 4: 19
God will care for you. I am assuring you, if you be faithful, God will supply all your needs. If you are living the life that pleases God, I am assuring you, God will supply all your needs.
Psalm 23
God will take care of your soul and lead you in the path of righteousness. God will not allow you to stumble. God will protect you. Evil shall not follow you. Goodness and mercy shall be your portion. Let us seek to be True Believers. Let us seek to make heaven at last and I am assuring you, heaven at last shall be your portion.
As many of you that are hearing me this day, the Lord is saying change your focus. Change your way of approach to God.
I do not know your state of affairs.
Possibly you are saying that you are going to this church or that church and your church is about the riches of this life, That is what you are seeking for there. My friend that is a wrong and perverted gospel.
Maybe you are connected to this Churxh today and you are sick and oppressed of the devil, you should firstly correct your relationship with God and amend your ways.
For Sinners and Backsliders, confess your sins and accept Jesus Christ today as your Lord and personal Saviour.
Romans 3:23; 1 John 3: 8 & 9; 1 John 5: 17a; Isaiah 59: 1;
Sin is dangerous. It is destructive and yet almost the whole world has gone into sin.
Unbelieve is sin. Selfishness is sin; Covetousness is sin, Insincerity is sin; backbiting, murmuring, speaking evil of others, these are terrible sin.
Going to native doctors, stealing from Government, stealing from companies and individuals, that is sin.
If you are among those people that are involved in fornication, adultery, homosexuality, lesbianism, abortion, that is terrible wickedness.
Fighting and quarreling, smoking and drunkenness all these are evil. Ask for the mercy of God. Are you into polygamous marriage or you have sent away your wife or you moved away from your husband, that is sin. Are you a woman dressing like a man or a man dressing like a woman, all that is sin.
The unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God. You see you today, as you repent and amend your ways salvation will follow you home.
If you change now, God will also turn to you and bless you. Do not be like Judas who betrayed Christ because of money. Do not be like Esau; do not eat that porridge. When the blessing came, he lost it forever.
Come back to the Lord. I am assuring you from today, the Lord shall transform you. Let us pray.


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