Saturday Worker's/Leaders Bible Study Message: It is a war... By Pastor Lazarus Muoka



Text: Matthew 17: 21; 2 Corinthians 10:3-6, Ephesians 6:10-12

"The Lord has taken over the battle, I am no more fighting 
The Lord has taken over the battle, we are no more fighting 
The Lord has taken over the battle, I am no more fighting. 
The Lord has taken over the battle, we are no more fighting." 

Revelations 12: 7 -10
The war started in heaven, when the devil, Angel Lucifer became proud and he was cast out of heaven.
It is very clear that since the devil has lost that battle in heaven, he has decided to attack man who is created in the image and likeness of God.
Genesis 1: 26 & 27
Satan lost the battle and decided to attack the image of God. Satan considered the attack of man as the only avenue to offend God. 
Revelations 4: 11
The attack of the devil is to make man suffer now and suffer in eternity. The devil aims to make man offend God and be separated from God.
Genesis 3: 1-10
The effect of satan's attack on the first man and woman was to destroy that relationship which God had with man.
Adam and Eve obeyed the devil and lost the divine image of God. As a result, we can see that the intent of the devil is to destroy that relationship that God has with Man.
Genesis 3: 15 -19 & 23
Judgement was therefore declared upon man as a matter of punishment for disobeying God by eating the forbidden fruit. This is what the devil wants to achieve even in this present time.
Unfortunately for the devil, the LORD God raised the seed of the woman to bruise the head of satan.
So long as God Almighty loves man because he created us in his own image and likeness, God will continue to intervene when we call upon him.
Consequently he will not leave us in the hand of the devil. It is very clear that God has been fighting for humanity against the devil and his agents.
Exodus 14: 14
In the event of any battle, it is not we that will fight. God takes special delight in fighting every battle for humanity. There is a war but you do not need to worry.
Deuteronomy 1: 29
No matter the instrument of the devil and his Agents, do not be afraid. God has been fighting for his people from generation to generation. 
Besides, God has sent his only begotten son to deliver us. He sent his son to pay the price of our sin. This is because of God's great love.
John 3: 16; John 10: 10
God has sent his son to redeem us and give us eternal life. So, that battle that is going on there, you have nothing to worry. God has sent his son to deliver us.
I am assuring us with God on our side, we shall never lose our peace. God will not allow you to be wasted in the hands of the enemy. 


Many people do not even know that there is war going on and the devil is feasting on them. 
A carnal person cannot understand these battles. It is only a spiritual man that can understand these things.
Romans 8: 5
Those in the flesh cannot understand these things. They will continue to struggle and arrive at nothing. 
1 Corinthians 2 :13 & 14
All this wars that are going on are spiritual and the carnal person cannot understand it. The natural person cannot understand this warfare. It is meant for those who are spiritual to position themselves to fight and overcome.
If you must fight this battle, then you must know how to do it.
Revelations 12: 7-9

We can see that this war started from the beginning of the world. What is going on today is a war. There is a weapon. Whenever the devil releases this weapon something happens.
John 10: 10
The weapon of the devil is killing, stealing and destruction. He also comes with sicknesses and afflictions. When these battles start something usually happens. Those who are carnal and not Born-again, always fight this battle physically. They want to profer remedy by carnality which does not work. As they do this, the devil captures them more and more. You are trying to fight with human wisdom. At this end time, the devil has come with more weapons to fight humanity.
Carnal men fighting the spiritual battle with physical weapon. Fighting the devil with physical Arms. This is the poverty of wisdom and limitations as human beings. The carnal men will be using mental knowledge with an aim to deliver themselves. 
1 Peter 5: 8
The Bible says we should be vigilant and serious minded. We should not run to the devil and his Agents for any remedy. Nothing good can come from them. We should not depend on any Agent of the devil to give us solution. The devil is our enemy. As many that run to the devil have suffered defeat.
Hosea 4: 6; John 8: 36

If you want to get victory in this battle, you must run to God to fight your battle. The Lord will take over the battle.
Whenever the devil comes with this instruments, he comes to steal, to kill and destroy. 
Whenever by faith you call upon God, put to use the weapons of God by faith.
The weapons of the Righteous are Praying and fasting; Word of God; Holy Spirit and the blood of Jesus Christ. 
John 1: 29
The blood of Jesus Christ has power. In the event of any battle, connect the spirit of God, he will take over the battle. Plead the blood of Jesus Christ. 
Luke 10: 19
As we depend on God's power and his spirit; God shall give you victory. 
2 Corinthians 10: 3
The weapons of our God are not carnal. They are spiritual weapons which I mentioned to you. When you mention these weapons by faith, you connect God. When you pray, God will move into action. In the event of battle, every power that raise up their head, God will destroy them including that covid-19 pandemic. 
It is a war, let us follow the right direction.
Exodus 14::14

Let us understand, it is only God that can defeat Corona Virus. Remember, it is a war. If you are a carnal person, you are blind to spiritual things and you cannot fight this battle. 


Many who do not know the Lord, end up in death. Everyone should try to know the source of our problems. Our problems come from the devil, and we must never go to them for solution. 
What is happening in the world today is a spiritual warfare. 
Ephesians 4: 27
When the devil comes with his remedy, say NO. You need to check yourself. Are you amongst those who isolate God and seek for remedy from elsewhere? 
James 4: 7
Whichever way the devil is coming with solution, resist him. He has nothing good to offer. 

Amend your way; return to God and you will have permanent solution. 
Ephesians 6: 10-12
Be strong in the Lord and ensure righteousness, peace and faith in the Lord. We should run to the Lord through faith, prayers, fasting.
Psalm 50 : 15; John 15: 5
The Lord says leave the trouble for me and I will deliver you.
Let us rely on God to give us victory. Jesus Christ came with great power and demonstrated it and defeated the devil before going back to glory.
If God be for us today, all the afflictions, fears and worry will be crushed under our feet.
Jesus Christ also crushed the sinful nature giving us eternal life.
You see what is happening today, it is a war. It has never been like this before.
As you rely on God, you shall be protected.
Matthew 4: 24.

What a great Warrior, we have in Jesus Christ. 
Just the other day, someone called concerning that he tested positive to Corona Virus, after prayer was made for him, the affliction rolled away and he is now free.
Matthew 8: 16
Our Lord Jesus is a mighty warrior. Somebody else called me from London. He received the prayer of the Pastor and he is completely healed.
The other man from Spain after he received the prayer, he forwarded his pictures and requested that we go ahead and publish it and give glory to God.
Matthew 12: 15
Another person called me from Portharcourt that during the Easter crusade online, he raised the picture of his brother who was afflicted with Corona virus in the United States and the brother was completely healed after the crusade.
Luke 10: 19

This power is the same power that created the heavens and the earth. 
We should not fear the fear of Unbelievers. We should rather exercise the authority of Jesus Christ and we shall have victory.
Matthew 17: 21; John 14: 13
When you ask God to heal the sick, he will do it. If you ask God for economic revival, he will do it.
Let us pray without ceasing and combine it with fasting.
God will crush this affliction. Let us go to him in prayers. God knows the right weapon to use and smash the devil.
Call upon the Lord and tell him that this battle, you will fight for me.
God will win this battle, if his children will call upon him to fight.

1. Lord fight for us and give us victory in every front.
2. The Lord Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, we call upon you; as your children invite you to fight this battle, Lord give them victory in Jesus name. Amen.




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