Online Saturday Bible Study Message. Topic: Enough Of This Distraction Text: 2 Samuel 24:16, Nehemiah 6:1-7, Acts 6:1-4 Many revivalists of old had their kinds of persecutions or trials as a result of the enemies of the Gospel which are the devil, demons and the human agents. They always fight to hinder the Gospel, to destroy the work of God and to distract those giving to be work of God. John 10:10. The Devil is an enemy of God, He is an enemy of Christ, He an enemy of believers and enemy to the work of God. He has no good plan for the church. Nehemiah 6:1-2. All the plans of the enemies is to oppose the work of God, to oppose the revivalists and to oppose the church. So we should arm our mind and not heed to distractions. Although, God allows trials and persecutions to come to His children to perfect their faith and to make them depend on God. Besides, He does not want His children to think that they have arrived or believe that the earth is their final abode. He ...