THE CHOSEN DAILY DEVOTIONAL... DATE: SUNDAY OCTOBER 30TH, 2016. TEXT: Matthew 15:13, John 8:36 THEME: THAT REPROACH MUST BE OVER MESSAGE: "And the LORD said unto Joshua, This day have I rolled away the reproach of Egypt from off you. Wherefore the name of the place is called Gilgal unto this day." (Joshua 5:9) On this particular day in question, the Lord rolled away all the reproach of Egypt from the children of Israel. In Egypt, they were made to serve with rigour against their will and they had no life of their own. The Israelites were in slavery and servitude and could not realize their potentials. They were stagnated. That was a reproachful situation which God needed to remove from off them. Without removing that reproach, it would be difficult for them to realize the gains of nationhood or even be established as individuals. Many people are suffering from one kind of reproach or the other and have become laughing stock and objects of caricature in the...