Bonanza of miracles hits Ughelli 2019 Int'l Crusade

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When men heard about the happenings of yesterday's episode of this Great Gathering of God's Children including a case of a brother healed instantly of 4 years violent madness, man healed of 8 years Cancer of the anus, 21 years deaf and dumb crushed, 20 years blocked left ear opened instantly and lots more, they went ahead to share the good news around the City of Ughelli and Delta State at large, inviting all that are maimed, mentally deranged, those with sight, speech and hearing impairments and other issues of life.

Guess what?

Men and women knocked down by different maladies and challenges of this life decided to come and see for themselves.
You know what our God can do, they were among those whose case were spotted during the Instant Miracle Session and God gave a technical knockout, to their ailments.
They're now free to the glory of God.

Below are some of the cases settled by God on his arrival at the Grand Finale of Ughelli 2019 Int'l Crusade;

1. 36 years deaf and dumb instantly healed.
2. 21 years deaf and dumb instantly healed.
3. 1 year inability to walk due to accident rolled away.
4. A boy born without left testis instantly restored after Pastor’s Prayer.
5. 6 years violent madness instantly healed.
6. 1 year and 2 months partial paralysis instantly healed.
7. 3 months inability to walk healed instantly.
8. 7 years stroke instantly healed.
9. 5 months broken bone instantly joined together.
10. 11 months inability to walk rolled away instantly.

11. 2 years waist pain with abnormal breathing instantly healed.
12. 1 year and 6 months stroke instantly healed.
13. 7 months stroke instantly healed.
14. 25 years swollen testis disappeared after pastor’s prayer.
15. 6 years madness instantly rolled away
16. 8 years stroke and inability to walk instantly rolled away.
17. 8 months stroke instantly healed.
18. 3 years paralysis instantly healed.
19. 12 years partial stroke instantly rolled away.
20. 15 years partial stroke instantly healed.
21. 12 years partial stroke instantly healed.
22. 3 years stroke instantly healed.
23. 8 months partial stroke instantly healed.
24. 11 years deaf and dumb instantly healed.
25. 3 years broken bone instantly joined together.
26. 4 years stroke instantly healed.
27. 5 years stroke instantly healed.
28. 2 years stroke instantly healed.
29. 15 years paralysis instantly healed.
30.11 years inability to walk instantly healed.

31. 10 years swollen tummy due to poison instantly deflated.
32. 6 years stroke instantly healed.
33. 3 months stroke instantly healed.
34. 13 months stroke instantly healed.
35. Rheumatism and weakness of the body instantly rolled away.
36. 3 years Arthritis and rheumatism rolled away.
37. 3 years stroke healed instantly.
38. One month partial blindness instantly healed.
39. 10 years shifted bone instantly healed.
40. 19 years deaf and dumb instantly healed.
41. 20 years deaf and dumb instantly healed.
42. 3 months stroke instantly healed.
43. Husband and wife of 37 years and 26 years old deaf and dumb instantly healed.
44. 5 years chronic waist pain and stroke instantly rolled away.
45. 5 years Arthritis, frequent urination and body pains instant rolled away.
46.14 years hotness of the body instantly rolled away.
47. One year waist pain and leg pain instantly healed.
48. 11 years paralysis instantly healed.
49. 20 years deaf and dumb instantly healed.
50. 24 years deaf and dumb instantly healed.
51. 24 years broken bone instantly healed.
52. 4 year chronic waist pain instantly healed.
53. 2 months stroke instantly healed.
54. Backbone pain instantly healed.
55. 6 months poison instantly healed.
56. 6 years deaf and dumb instantly healed.
57. 6 months stroke instantly healed.
58. A year and 6 months partial blindness and stroke instantly healed
59. 5 years deaf and dumb instantly healed.
60. 23 years deaf and dumb instantly healed.
61. 25 years deaf and dumb instantly healed.
62. Inability to stand erect after operation instantly healed.
63. 5 years leg pain instantly healed.
64. 22 years deaf and dumb instantly healed
65. 9 years inability to walk instantly rolled away.
66. 5 years partial blindness instantly healed.
67. 5 years moving object instantly rolled away.
68. 7 years paralysis instantly healed.
69. 1 year and six months general body pain instantly healed.
70. 25 years deaf and dumb instantly healed.
71. 12 years deaf and dumb instantly healed.
72. 40 years deaf and dumb instantly healed
73. 5 years violent madness instantly healed.
74. 15 years deaf and dumb instantly healed.
75. 17 years deaf and dumb instantly healed.

Chosen Praise the Lord!

#Ughelli2019 #Delta2019 | #PstLazarusMuoka

Photo Credit: Chosen Online Revivalist Media Crew, Delta State Headquarters, Nigeria.


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