Power of influence - By Ifeanyi Ibekwe.




TEXT: OBADIAH 1:21, MATTHEW 5:12-15, ROMANS 8:19.

Note: Influence in the context of the message is the ability to affect, impact, penetrate and command a response or reaction. It is the power to direct the thinking or behavior of others usually indirectly.  Do you want to affect the world around you as a young person and as a future leader? Then you must understand the principle and wield the power of influence.
“Dominion in any field of life is dependent upon the scope, weight and your capacity to inspire and motivate others into action (actively or passively)”. Your relevance in time and in the kingdom is therefore function of your dominion (domain of influence).
What is your life commanding?
What change is your life creating around you?
What is responding / reacting to your existence?
Who is your life propagating his (God/devil) agenda?

For more insight of this message, we shall consider the following sub-headings:

POINT 1: THE WAR OF INFLUENCE, SATAN’S STRATEGY AND THE UNFORTUNATE SITUATION (Job 20:15, Matthew 4:8, Luke 4:6 & 7, Ephesians 6:12)
There is a raging battle over territories, over who commands response and reaction in the affairs of the world, over the heart of men and the system of the world. Every human being is caught – up in the web of influence, one away or the other you are an “influence or being influenced”.
The devil understands the principle and power of influence, this is evidence in how he has almost monopolized key tools and system of influence e.g. media, education, politics / government, economy etc for propagating his evil agendas. He has not only corrupted the systems but is gradually penetrating the church (using human agents old and young) to achieve this strategy.
The unfortunate situation is that, those who have the true and glorious influence does not work the principle and harness their capacity to be agents and agencies of influence for God’s kingdom; they are so religions, lukewarm, lazy and short sighted. They forget Christ’s explanation and revelation of who they are; amongst the many name Christ called the believer are these two words “Ye are light of the world” and “the Salt of the earth”.
The above reveals our identity, role and assignment as believers. Sadly, many youth are stocked in mediocrity, confusion, compromise, limitations, fears, low – self esteem etc.  Thus, they resort to the back stage of life, when they showing should have been manifest to the world, when their lives should be commanding a following; they are being swayed themselves by the world. They have given room to the adversary’s monopoly by allowing him position men, women, boys and girls in strategic places or fields of human endeavour with their attitude towards excellence and success.

POINT 2: THE PRINCIPLES OF INFLUENCE AND HOW TO HARNESS IT’S POWER (Job 28:7 - 9, Proverb 4:7-9, Matthew 5: 12 – 15, John 8: 12)
Note: there are element and laws that govern influence, understanding these principles, arms you with not just the skill but the strategy for influence. Below are the key principles of influence and how to harness it’s power.
Reciprocation: be the change you want to command
Character (integrity); “Salt is salt” - “Light is light” - the stability of your life exhumes, makes you dependable, reliable. If people can trust you then the can entrust to you, even their heart.
“Social testimony proof: you don’t have to win everybody; just reach / touch the right person”. Make your encounter with one or even person count and your testimonies will be broadcasted.
Genuine love for people: “your passion to invest positively in people and to meet human needs will eventually elevate you.
Authority: “when you credibility, expertise, capacity and submission are established” – you assume command over the will / mind of men.

John 8: 12, Romans 8:19
Note: as Christian youth, God expects us after this programme to understand that our being born – again is a starting point to a life of influence; the world avoids our manifestation and God is counting on us as agents to infiltrate the world (systems) and establish God’s reign through our lives and works.   This call to influence is paramount for kingdom advancement and dominion. In your school, office, market / business place; God wants us to standout, be on top and Excel in every field.
Examples abound in the bible of youths who commanded great influence:
Daniel, Shedrach, Meshach and Abadnego: They refused to compromise their faith at all cost, diligent, disciplined and pursued excellence spiritually, physically, academically and in the career. Not only were they 10 times better than the best in Babylon (which was like America of the present. They also caused great revival and caused a decree to be passed that only the living God will be worshipped in the whole land of Babylon (Daniel 3:16-19, 11: 32)
Joseph: Despite the fact he was a slave in a strange land, the favour, gift and glory upon is life was manifest, temptation and suffering could not cripple him. At the end God used him to preserve the whole world and his family during a famine of 7years that stroke the earth (Genesis 50:20)
Esther: Her ascension and choice as a queen was due to her humility and obedience to Mordecai (parent, pastor, leaders, teachers and God fearing elders) and the love she has for God’s people propelled her to take the risk to perish if that what it will take to used as an instrument of deliverance (Esther 4:16)
Apostles: They were consider has the men who turned the city upside down, through their exploit the Church expanded and spread all over the world (Acts 17:6)

Photo Credit: Chosen Online Media Crew, Int'l Headquarters, Lagos, Nigeria.

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