Harvest Of Miracles In Edo 2018 Crusade

Harvest Of Miracles In Edo 2018 Crusade 

Crusade of the moment, #Edo2018 was packed with signs and wonders. God's manifest presence was validated by signs and wonders as recorded in the scriptures. The deaf heard, the dumb spake, the lame walked. To be candid, diverse maladies of varying degrees were totally jettisoned.

Below are few among the numerous testimonies we're able to capture during the Instant Miracle Session. They are beneficiaries of God's magnanimity.

1.  20 years deaf and dumb from birth healed.

2.  Deaf and dumb for 22 years healed.

3.  Deaf and dumb couple (husband - 33 and wife 29 years respectively) healed.

4.  Leaping for more than 3 years healed.

5.  Over 10 years diabetes and high blood pressure healed.

6.  20 years born deaf and dumb healed.

7.  2 and half years disjointed knee instantly healed.

8. 7 months waste pain healed.

9. 5 years waste pain healed.

10. 1 year broken bone joined together healed.

11. 12 ½ years born deaf and dumb healed.

12. 14 years born crippled instantly healed.

13. 6 years inability to walk healed.

14. 13 years born deaf and dumb.

15. 55 years deaf and dumb.

16. 20 years heaviness of the body rolled away.

17. 7 years broken bone healed.

18. 13 years poison instantly healed.

19. 1 year stroke healed.

20. 4 months leg pain healed.

21. 3 years partial blindness healed.

22. 7 months stroke healed.

23. 29 years deaf and dumb healed.

24. 8 years madness healed.

25. 8 deaf and dumb healed.

26. 28  deaf and dumb instantly healed.

27. 3 years stroke healed.

28. 1 year spiritual attack healed.

29. 3 years stroke healed.

30. 15 years born deaf and dumb.

31. 3 months broken bone healed.

32. 15 years leg pain and inability to walk healed.

33. 2 years swollen leg deflated.

34. 38 years born deaf and dumb.

35. 43 years lost of memory healed.

36. 31 years deaf and dumb healed.

37. 1 day paralyses rolled away.

39. 6 years heaviness of the body healed.

40. 4 years stroke healed.



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