DATE: Saturday, January 13, 2018.
TEXT: John 4: 7-39
MEMORISE: “And He said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” ( Mark 16:7)
When you experience the goodness of God that makes for joyful existence, you are obligated to spread the good news to others so that they too can come in contact with the truth and experience a turnaround in their situation. It is an act of selfishness when you do not share your testimony with others.
There are many examples in the Bible where people that had an encounter with Jesus ran to tell others about their experiences and by so doing drew other people to the Lord. One of such was the Samaritan woman Jesus met by the well. After her encounter with Jesus, she was so excited that she left her water-pot at the well and ran to the city to tell others of her encounter.
Her testimony made many Samaritans who were traditionally enemies of the Jews to follow her to hear Jesus preach. It is recorded that many of them became converted because of the initial testimony of the woman even though they later confessed that after hearing from Jesus himself they believed Him based on His own words.
The point however is that it was the woman's initial testimony that resulted in them having contact with the Lord in the first place. If she had not shared her testimony it is possible that the town may not have had the opportunity to hear from Jesus directly.
We can therefore see that it is important to spread the good news. It is unfortunate that people are more prone to sharing bad news or gossip than good news that will bring a positive changes in peoples lives.
This should not be so for believers. Have you taken time to share the mighty wonders of the God of Chosen with your colleagues in the office or your place of business? Have you told your family and friends that are not yet saved about how people are being healed and delivered on a daily basis? Or is your discussions about politics, sports or the latest news that is trending? As beneficiaries of God's bountiful blessings, it is our duty to spread the news so that others around us can be partakers of God's joy that He has so graciously bestowed on us.
We should remember that Jesus mandated us to go out to the ends of the earth and spread the gospel. By obeying this command, He will further give us more reasons to be joyful.
Worship/praise God and then take the following prayer points:
1. Holy Spirit, give me the boldness to spread the gospel in and out of season so that others may encounter your goodness, in Jesus name.
2. I bind and cast out every sprit of timidity that makes sharing the word difficult for me, in Jesus name.
3. May your Spirit strengthen our G. O and Mummy in the Lord so that they can continue to spread the gospel all over the world, in Jesus name.
AUTHOR: PST LAZARUS MUOKA @TlccrmOfficial @Tlccrm_Official