Message Of The Hour: Preparation For The Rapture Of The Sanits ( Pt 1) .. By Pastor Lazarus Muoka
Online Saturday Bible Study Message. Topic: Preparation For The Rapture Of The Saints (Part 1) Text: Amos 4:12, 1st Corinthians 15:51-52, 1st Thes 4:3-7, 1st Thes 4:13-18. Every believer should read the handwriting on the wall and should reflect on the prophecies of the end time ( Matthew 24:1-8). All these prophecies are being fulfilled now and as a believer, you need to prepare for the rapture of the saints. Many signs abound which shows us that this is the end time and that rapture which is the next thing on God's program is at hand (Revelation 1:3, Romans 13:11-12). Everyone that is born again and willing to make Heaven at last must take advantage of this message and make the necessary preparation. Remember Heaven is a prepared place for prepared people (Matthew 25:10). Any believer that is careless might not be ready and then will miss the rapture. So be ready at all times (John 14:1-3). Heaven is holy, God is holy, Jesus is holy likewis...