TOPIC: THE GREAT DAY OF THE LORD IS NEAR HYMN: 21,60,111. TEXT: Zephaniah 1:14- 18; Ezekiel 17:13-18, Matthew 24:27,30. Many things are happening which means that the great day of the Lord is near. I want you to understand that there are so many things happening in this dispensation, killings, kidnappings, fightings, wars e.t.c.All these are signs of the end time. All these that are happening now weren't happening before, it shows that the day of Christ's coming is drawing close. Even though everybody is busy with how to succeed and make it in life, to live comfortably with the pleasures of this world, I want to let you know while all these are going on, if you are not aware of the signs, you might be caught unawares. N.B: There is no more time. 1 Corinthians 7:29, Revelation 1:3. Many in the world today have neglected the signs and are doing what pleases them. Luke 17:36; 28:29. You need to make sure you take heed of this warnings because heaven is not by chance; ...