Woman In Her Menopause Gives Birth To Her First Child After 25 Years Of Marriage:
Brethren this is the kind of testimony that leaves us dumbstruck. Woman In Her Menopause Gives Birth To Her First Child After 25 Years Of Marriage: It is known medically that when a woman has reached the age of menopause that she won't give birth again but in God's dictionary, such theory doesn't hold water. Recall the case of Sarah - Abraham's wife in the Bible, who passed the age of menopause but God changed the order of nature in her favour and blessed her with Isaac. He has done same in this Great Commission severally. The testimony below is one of such. HER TESTIMONY: Mrs Ashibuogwu is appreciating God for what he did for her. She has been married since 1994 and the enemy vowed that there would be no cry of a baby in her house. Men and women called her names during this trying period. Friends mocked her that their marriage was between a man and a man. She became a laughing stock amongst friends and then began to wonder if there was really a God in...