
Showing posts from May, 2019

Woman In Her Menopause Gives Birth To Her First Child After 25 Years Of Marriage:

Brethren this is the kind of testimony that leaves us dumbstruck. Woman In Her Menopause Gives Birth To Her First Child After 25 Years Of Marriage: It is known medically that when a woman has reached the age of menopause that she won't give birth again but in God's dictionary, such theory doesn't hold water. Recall the case of Sarah - Abraham's wife in the Bible, who passed the age of menopause but God changed the order of nature in her favour and blessed her with Isaac. He has done same in this Great Commission severally. The testimony below is one of such. HER TESTIMONY:  Mrs Ashibuogwu is appreciating God for what he did for her. She has been married since 1994 and the enemy vowed that there would be no cry of a baby in her house.  Men and women called her names during this trying period. Friends mocked her that their marriage was between a man and a man. She became a laughing stock amongst friends and then began to wonder if there was really a God in...

JUST IN: Dead body brought back to life

JUST IN: DEAD BODY BROUGHT BACK TO LIFE Testimonies of dead people who miraculously came back to life after God's intervention cannot be counted in this Great Commission. Our God who did it in the past is still in that business of making dead situations alive. The testimony below is one of such testimonies to back-up the above claim.

Pastor Lazarus Muoka Storms Isuikwuato In Abia State

PASTOR LAZARUS MUOKA STORMS ISIUKWUATO IN ABIA STATE OF NIGERIA. The Chosen train is on the move again, this particular time, it is heading to the South-Eastern Region of the country - Abia State precisely, for a 2-Day Holy Ghost Oriented and Power Packed Crusade with the theme; "GOD'S TIME TO TAKE OVER"

FAKE NEWS ALERT: Chosen Pastor never committed suicide

FAKE NEWS ALERT! CHOSEN PASTOR NEVER COMMITTED SUICIDE. Our attention has been drawn to a media publication by a Facebook page owned by Imo State Youths, about a false rumor that "one of the Pastors of the Lord's Chosen Charismatic Revival Ministries committeFAKE NEWS ALERT: Chosen Pastor never committed suicided suicide and dropped a note." The church management has made findings to know the genuineness of the story and found out that it was unscrupulous elements in the society and the enemy of God's church that put these together to taunt and jeer the church. We also wish to notify the General Public that the said picture has been in circulation since 4 years now. It was a case of mad man wearing Chosen Apron, who committed suicide in 2015 at Festac area of Lagos in Nigeria.

Baby with hole in the heart healed


Hope For The Barren 2019

LAGOS MIRACLE CRUSADE 2019 The Lord's Chosen Charismatic Revival Ministries Presents A 2-Day Power Packed Crusade Titled; "HOPE FOR THE BARREN"

Police in shock as an armed robber surrenders gun to a chosen woman

POLICE IN SHOCK AS AN ARMED ROBBER SURRENDERS GUN TO A CHOSEN WOMAN Testimonies of bullets not penetrating the Chosen Ones body is a testimony heaven has backed up with many proofs. We've had hundred of thousands of these testimonies. Our beloved Daddy in the Lord gave us instructions to always declare, "I AM CHOSEN" 3 times, in the face of any danger and ask the danger who are you? He also said if the danger persist, that we should declare, "Where is the God of My Pastor Power, that we'll see the Glory of God and something more than man". The testimony below is one of such testimonies. Her Testimony: Sis Christy Lambert joined Chosen in Febuary 2012. She worships with The Lord's Chosen at Umuaguma Region 2 Headquarters, Mgbidi in Imo State. She joyfully mounted the testimony rostrum with this song, "All glory must be to the Lord, for He is worthy to be praised, no man on earth should give glory to himself, all the glory must be to the ...