My name is Brother Obadiah Adamu, I joined Choose on 12th October 2018 and hails from Kaduna state, Goni-Gora Autonomous. I used to have itching of the body and whenever I scratch it blood will come out. I have been to several places for solution but all to no avail. Then a Chosen brother visited me and prayed for me, he also took me to Church were I heard undiluted words of God from the pulpit of power. Ever since then the itching body stopped instantly. Also, I used to see strange things like blood in my parlour, dead people, I started using charms to protect myself from all these strange demonic attacks. But as I joined Chosen, repented of my sins, stopped using charms and surrender everything to the God of Chosen, my life have not remained same. I am here with the charms so that they will be burnt to the glory of God and to the downfall of Satan. Finally I pray for my G.O, heaven at last and all the Chosen ones heaven at last . Chosen praise the Lord. Excerp...